How Mobile Search Connects Consumers to Stores | A Google Article
More and more, we hear about the power of 'Mobile' (phones).
SmartPhones are truly remarkable and are generally taken for granted. Most people don't know, but the computer that launched the first manned mission to the moon was less powerful that most of today's SmartPhones. Think about that for a moment. It also filled multiple rooms.
The device we put in our back pocket does so much, so easily and so fast, that we simply don't take the time to truly acknowledge how advanced the device really is. I used to take pictures with film. 12 pics on a roll. Developing took a few days and if a picture was no good, you didn't know until after you paid for the processing. And picture taking is just one of the many things our SmartPhones do.
Anyway, below is another article from the folks at Google, highlighting the continued consumer reliance on mobile devices. Enjoy.